





Acorn Montessori Children’s House
7 Kawerau Ave, Devonport, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 2.5 – 6 years
p: (09) 445 4500
e: acorn.montessori@gmail.com
w: www.acornmontessori.co.nz

Aranui Montessori Preschool
17 Chartwell Ave, Glenfield, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 443 7378
e: info@aranuimontessori.co.nz
w: www.aranuimontessori.co.nz

Coast Montessori Preschool
42 Silverdale Street, Silverdale, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 2 – 5 years
p: (09) 427-5544
e: info@coastmontessori.co.nz
w: www.coastmontessori.co.nz

Koru Montessori
21 Kapiti Place, Sunnynook, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 410-9535
e: korumontessori@xtra.co.nz
w: www.korumontessori.co.nz

Little Earth Montessori Rosedale
8 Tarndale Grove, Albany, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 415-4205
e: cm.rosedale@littleearth.co.nz
w: www.littleearth.co.nz/locations/rosedale/

Little Steps Montessori Preschool
29 Omega Street, Rosedale, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 2.8 – 6 years
p: (09) 444-3934
e: littlestepsalbany@gmail.com
w: www.littlestepspreschool.co.nz

Luna Montessori Preschool
10 Blenheim Street, Glenfield, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 2 – 5 years
p: (09) 419 2655
e: admin@lunamontessori.com

Meraki Montessori Primary School
24 Sidwell Road, Silverdale, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 6- 12 years
p: (09) 554-1583
e: paul.scanlan@merakimontessori.co.nz
w: www.merakimontessori.co.nz

Montessori@Pakiri Primary School
Bathgate Road, Wellsford, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 6- 12 years
p: (09) 422 6076
e: office@pakiri.school.nz
w: https://www.pakiri.school.nz

Titoki Montessori School
70A Stredwick Drive, Torbay, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 3 – 6 years
p: (09) 473-0362
e: admin@titokimontessori.school.nz
w: www.titokimontessori.school.nz

Totara Hill Montessori
8 Smith Road, Matakana, Auckland
Region: Auckland (North)
Age: 3 – 6 years
p: (09) 422 9981
e: totarahillmontessori@gmail.com
w: www.totarahillmontessori.co.nz


Eastern Suburbs Montessori Primary School
217 Riddell Road, Glendowie, Auckland
Region: Auckland (East)
Age: 6 – 13 years
p: (09) 575-7434
e: info@montessoriprimary.school.nz
w: www.montessoriprimary.school.nz

Glendowie Montessori Preschool
227 West Tamaki Road, Glendowie, Auckland
Region: Auckland (East)
Age: 3 – 6 years
p: (09) 575-6453
e: admin@glendowiemontessori.net.nz
w: www.glendowiemontessori.net.nz

Kidspace Montessori
65 Reeves Road, Pakuranga, Auckland
Region: Auckland (East)
Age: 0 – 6 years
p: 09 576 8201
e: manager@kidspaceelc.co.nz
w: www.kidspaceelc.co.nz

Li’l Champs Montessori Early Learning Centre – Highland Park
43 Aviemore Drive, Highland Park, Auckland
Region: Auckland (East)
Age: 3 months – 6 years
p: 09 532 8777
e: highlandpark@lilchamps.cp.nz
w: www.lilchamps.co.nz

Little Earth Montessori Panmure
45 Ireland Road, Panmure, Auckland
Region: Auckland (East)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 527 0553
e: cm.panmure@littleearth.co.nz
w: www.littleearth.co.nz/locations/panmure/

Marshwood Montessori School
20 Mount Taylor Drive, Glendowie, Auckland
Region: Auckland (East)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 521-5288
e: marshwoodm@gmail.com
w: www.marshwoodmontessori.com

Montessori@Howick Primary
40 Willoughby Avenue, Howick, Auckland
Region: Auckland (East)
Age: 6- 11 years
p: (09) 534 6082
e: admin@montessorihowickprimary.school.nz
w: www.montessorihowickprimary.school.nz

Pakuranga Montessori Learning Centre
71 Udys Road (inside St Peters Anglican Church), Pakuranga, Auckland
Region: Auckland (East)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 213 1866 or 021 710 065
e: pmontessori2014@gmail.com

The Children’s Corner Howick
30 Cook Street, Howick, Auckland
Region: Auckland (East)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 533 0397
e: thechildrenscorner@gmail.com
w: www.thechildrenscorner.co.nz


Golden Grove Montessori Primary
57 Grey Street, Onehunga, Auckland
Region: Auckland (Central)
Age: 6 – 12 years
p: (09) 636-4461
e: helena@goldengrove.school.nz
w: www.goldengrove.school.nz

Kohimarama Montessori Preschool
36 Allum Street, Kohimarama, Auckland
Region: Auckland (Central)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 528 7970
e: kohimontessori@xtra.co.nz
w: www.kohimontessori.co.nz

Little Earth Montessori Remuera
45 Ascot Avenue, Remuera, Auckland
Region: Auckland (Central)
Age: 0 – 6 years
p: (09) 520 0021
e: cm.remuera@littleearth.co.nz
w: www.littleearth.co.nz/locations/remuera/

Little Engines Montessori
56 Surrey Crescent, Grey Lynn, Auckland
Region: Auckland (Central)
Age: 2.5 – 6 years
p: (09) 378-9502
e: manager@little-engines.co.nz
w: www.little-engines.co.nz

Ōrākei Montessori Preschool
16 Sudeley Street, Orakei, Auckland
Region: Auckland (Central)
Age: 20 months – 6 years
p: (09) 529-2518
e: pauline@omp.school.nz
w: www.omp.school.nz

Peace Experiment
18 Pilkington Road, Panmure, Auckland
Region: Auckland (Central)
Age: 11 – 18 years
p: (09) 391-9200 or (021) 0813-4482
e: steven@peace.school.nz
w: www.peace.school.nz

Remuera Montessori
2 Armadale Road, Remuera, Auckland
Region: Auckland (Central)
Age: 2-6 years
p: (09) 520 2805
e: info@remueramontessori.co.nz
w: www.remueramontessori.co.nz

St Johns Montessori
75 Merton Rd, St Johns, Auckland
Region: Auckland (Central)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: 09 521 3040
e: admin@stjohnsmontessori.co.nz


BestStart Montessori The Children’s House
1 Clover Drive, Henderson, Auckland
Region: Auckland (West)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 833-7119
e: mont.childrenshouse@best-start.org
w: www.best-start.org/centres/montessori-childrens-house

Huapai Montessori @Huapai District School
40 Station Road, Huapai, Auckland
Region: Auckland (West)
Age: 6- 12 years
p: (09) 412-5042
e: info@huapaimontessori.org.nz
w: www.huapaimontessori.org.nz

Kumeu Montessori Preschool
8 Grivelle Street, Kumeu, Auckland
Region: Auckland (West)
Age: 0 – 6 years
p: (09) 412-9885 or 021 1239113
e: managers@kumeumontessori.co.nz
w: www.kumeumontessori.co.nz

Learning Edge Montessori Preschool
2 Sunray Avenue, Titirangi, Auckland
Region: Auckland (West)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 817-1170
e: learning_edge@hotmail.com
w: www.learningedgemontessoripreschool.com

Little Star Montessori House of Children
21 Buisson Glade, West Harbour, Auckland
Region: Auckland (West)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 416-9696
e: littlestarmontessori@xtra.co.nz
w: www.littlestarmontessori.co.nz

Riverhead Montessori
280 e Riverhead Road, Riverhead, Auckland
Region: Auckland (West)
Age: 18 months – 5 years
p: (09) 412-7171 or 021 702 004
e: admin@riverheadmontessori.co.nz
w: www.riverheadmontessori.co.nz


Keystone Montessori Primary School
Region: Auckland (South)
Age: 6- 12 years
p: 021 103 4545
e: info@keystone.school.nz
w: www.keystone.school.nz

Li’l Champs Early Learning Centre & Montessori Preschool – Papatoetoe Branch
431 Great South Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland
Region: Auckland (South)
Age: 0 – 5 years
p: 09 277 2556
e: papatoetoe@lilchamps.co.nz
w: www.lilchamps.co.nz

Li’l Champs Montessori Early Learning Centre – Mission Heights
479B Ormiston Road, Flat Bush, Auckland
Region: Auckland (South)
Age: 2 – 6 years
p: (09) 271-2273
e: manager@lilchamps.co.nz
w: www.lilchamps.co.nz

Superstart Childcare Centre (Montessori Class)
88 Lady Ruby Drive, East Tamaki, Auckalnd
Region: Auckland (South)
Age: 3-5 years
p: (09) 2749226 or (021) 027 90511
e: info@superstart.co.nz
w: www.superstart.co.nz

Tipu Montessori
67 Walmsley Road, Otahuhu, Auckland
Region: Auckland (South)
Age: 0 – 6 years
p: (09) 276-1679
e: admin@tipu-montessori.school.nz
w: www.tipu-montessori.school.nz

Waiuku Montessori Preschool
8 Valley Road
Region: Auckland (South)
Age: 6 months – 6 years
p: 09 947 9781
e: alana@waiukumontessori.co.nz

Wee Wisdom Montessori School Drury
159 Great South Road, Drury, Auckland
Region: Auckland (South)
Age: 0 – 6 years
p: Tel: (09) 294-7978
e: admindrury@weewisdommontessori.co.nz
w: www.weewisdommontessori.co.nz

Wee Wisdom Montessori School Weymouth
32 McInnes Road, Weymouth, Auckland
Region: Auckland (South)
Age: 6 months – 6 years
p: (09) 268-0017
e: adminweymouth@weewisdommontessori.co.nz
w: www.weewisdommontessori.co.nz


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前绿党议员Golriz Ghahraman已对她的盗窃罪判决提出上诉。Ghahraman此前承认了四项盗窃指控。 调查发现,她在2023年从惠灵顿、奥克兰Ponsonby和Newmarket的三家商店里,偷取了价值约8367纽币的衣物。 犯罪也已导致Ghahraman辞去绿党名单议员职务。她此前曾担任绿党司法和外交事务发言人。 今年6月27日,法官拒绝了Ghahraman要求免予定罪的请求,命令她支付1600纽币罚款和260纽币诉讼费。 而本周一,Ghahraman通过其律师Annabel Cresswell在奥克兰高等法院对定罪提出上诉。 律师表示,这些定罪可能会影响Ghahraman在2024年6月向国际刑事法院(ICC)提出的工作申请。 Cresswell表示,如果被判重大刑事犯罪,就无法在ICC工作,但目前尚不清楚Ghahraman的犯罪是否严重到足以构成障碍。 她补充说,未来就业选择的风险带来的额外压力,会对她的心理健康产生进一步的负面影响。 在事发之后,Ghahraman被确诊患有复杂性创伤后应激障碍和长期压力应激障碍。 在早前的一份宣誓书中,Ghahra

By 新西兰生活快讯


奥克兰市政府将推迟今年奥克兰房产评估结果发布至明年初。 市政府已完成新一轮房产评估资本价值(CVs),这些评估用于设定地税,也是买卖房屋时有用的参考工具。 但原定于2024年底公布的结果被推迟,因为负责审计的估价师总办公室要求在公开发布前进行额外工作。 新评估将于2025年初公布。 新数据涵盖547,350处住宅、43,663处商业地产和30,186处农场及lifestyle地产。 有房地产经纪人表示好奇,新评估将如何反映那些曾遭遇洪水问题的房产,开发商目前都不愿碰这些地产。 南奥克兰房地产经纪人Tom Rawson表示,今年对房产进行统一评估将面临挑战,特别是那些洪水房。 他说:“对于有自然灾害历史的房产,需求非常小。Māngere的某些地方,房屋800平方米土地,本可以建6到7处房产,但开发商都不会碰,因为加布里埃尔气旋期间被淹过。” OneRoof数据显示,2021年至2024年奥克兰的平均房产价值下降4%至131万。 10月初的平均房产价值为127万,比5月份低2%。 Reference: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/coun

By 新西兰生活快讯


10月14日是新西兰大选一周年。 一年过去了,根据1News Verian最新民调,40%新西兰人认为现在比大选之前更糟。 调查于10月5日至9日进行,共1000名合格选民参与。调查结果显示: - 40%的受访者认为国家状况变差 - 26%的人认为没有变化 - 30%的人认为国家状况变好 - 4%的人表示不知道或不愿回答 毛利人、大学毕业生、工党和绿党支持者更倾向于认为国家状况变差。 行动党和国家党支持者更倾向于认为国家状况变好。 这一调查显示出新西兰人对社会的看法分裂程度,可能比预想的更严重。 Reference: https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/10/14/poll-40-say-the-country-in-worse-shape-than-before-election/

By 新西兰生活快讯


最新的报道称,明年新西兰可能出现移民净负增长。这意味着离开新西兰的人数将超过到达的人数。 如果这种趋势持续,会给本已放缓的房地产市场带来压力,并进一步抑制经济增长。 一年创纪录8.21万人离开 根据今天新西兰统计局公布的最新数据,截至2024年8月的年度,净移民增长继续下降。 原因是移民到达人数减少,而新西兰公民离境人数持续创下历史新高。 重点数据总结: * 2024年8月年度净移民增长为53,800人,较7月年度的67,200人大幅下降。 * 非新西兰公民净增加109,900人,但新西兰公民净流失56,100人。 * 81,200名新西兰公民长期离境,仅25,100人回国定居。 在2024年8月年度的移民到达人数中: 中国公民以21,800人的数量成为第三大移民群体,仅次于印度公民(37,000人)和回国的新西兰公民(25,100人)。 菲律宾公民(21,300人)紧随其后。 在2024年8月年度的移民离境人数中: 中国公民以7,100人的数量成为除新西兰公民外的最大离境群体。 英国公民(5,400人)和澳大利亚公民(5,000人)分别排在第三和第四位

By 发现新西兰